How to disassemble the Thompson M1A1 airsoft gun gearbox
4 min - Aug 13, 2008
Love your Thompson M1A1 Submachine airsoft gun? This is an authentic replica of the Thompson Submachine Gun: The gun that helped to change the world. The original was used triumphantly by the US Army Cavalry in World War II. The Auto Ordnance Corporation produced more than 1,750,000 Thompson Sub Machine guns which were used to help repel Nazi Germany from Europe.This video tutorial will show you how to disassemble the Thompson M1A1 airsoft gun gearbox (version 6), not to mention reassemble the airsoft weapon. Also watch more weapons how to videos including tips, tricks, advice, and directons on guns how to for free.
It is especially important that you don't just opt for the first of the cheap paintball guns that you can get your hands on and that you are not influenced by much of the hype which can underscore paintball gun ads. Conversely, if you take the other stance and seek out the best new marker you can find out there, then you might be in for an unpleasant surprize when you find you have no use for some of those 'awesome extras' you were drawn to.
That is not to say you should not conduct research by reading technical data, product reviews and catalogues, but first identify your own personal style of play so that you can decide on what features you most need in your paintball gun.
Chances are that you may be falling under the spell of some of those ads touting bargains to be had with some of the cheap paintball guns out there. The more so if you are a complete newbie to the sport of paintball.
At the end of the day you will meld with the paintball gun of choice and your selection will very much determine the type of paintball player that you become.
Play The Game Before You Go And Buy That Cheap Paintball Gun
The author of this article, Dale Calder lives in Auckland, the City of Sails, New Zealand and is married with two adult sons. The whole family are paintball fanatics. Fortunately we live in a country blessed with some of the most beautiful natural surrounds in the world a veritable paintballers paradise.
Experienced players have been 'led' so to speak to the paintball gun that they've come to choose. That choice of a particular gun has been for a specific reason stemming from the type of player they have evolved into.
Play The Game Before You Go And Buy That Cheap Paintball Gun
From my own experience I have found that it is absolutely critical that you gain some field experience before deciding on your first paintball gun purchase. It is only common sense to check out all the different aspects of the game where you best excelled or which set your adrenaline pumping, so as to get a good feel for the game before settling into your own niche. Then after discovering where you best fit it will be a whole lot easier for you to narrow down the many choices you have available in selecting the right paintball gun.